Uses of Interface

Packages that use Construct
org.tmapi.core Core interfaces which provide the functionality of the Topic Maps - Data Model

Uses of Construct in org.tmapi.core

Subinterfaces of Construct in org.tmapi.core
 interface Association
          Represents an association item.
 interface DatatypeAware
          Common base interface for Occurrences and Variants.
 interface Name
          Represents a topic name item.
 interface Occurrence
          Represents an occurrence item.
 interface Reifiable
          Indicates that a Construct is reifiable.
 interface Role
          Represents an association role item.
 interface Scoped
          Indicates that a statement (Topic Maps construct) has a scope.
 interface Topic
          Represents a topic item.
 interface TopicMap
          Represents a topic map item.
 interface Typed
          Indicates that a Topic Maps construct is typed.
 interface Variant
          Represents a variant item.

Methods in org.tmapi.core that return Construct
 Construct TopicMap.getConstructById(java.lang.String id)
          Returns a Construct by its (system specific) identifier.
 Construct TopicMap.getConstructByItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Returns a Construct by its item identifier.
 Construct IdentityConstraintException.getExisting()
          Returns the Construct which already has the identity represented by the locator IdentityConstraintException.getLocator().
 Construct TopicMap.getParent()
          Returns null.
 Construct Construct.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this construct.
 Construct ModelConstraintException.getReporter()
          Returns the Construct which has thrown the exception.

Constructors in org.tmapi.core with parameters of type Construct
IdentityConstraintException(Construct reporter, Construct existing, Locator locator, java.lang.String msg)
          Creates a new IdentityConstraintException with the specified message.
ModelConstraintException(Construct reporter, java.lang.String msg)
          Creates a new ModelConstraintException with the specified message.