Uses of Interface

Packages that use Locator
org.tmapi.core Core interfaces which provide the functionality of the Topic Maps - Data Model
org.tmapi.index Index interfaces which provide lookup of Topic Maps Constructs. 

Uses of Locator in org.tmapi.core

Methods in org.tmapi.core that return Locator
 Locator TopicMapSystem.createLocator(java.lang.String reference)
 Locator TopicMap.createLocator(java.lang.String reference)
          Returns a Locator instance representing the specified IRI reference.
 Locator DatatypeAware.getDatatype()
          Returns the Locator identifying the datatype of the value.
 Locator TopicMap.getLocator()
          Returns the Locator that was used to create the topic map.
 Locator IdentityConstraintException.getLocator()
          Returns the locator representing the identity that caused the exception.
 Locator DatatypeAware.locatorValue()
          Returns the Locator representation of the value.
 Locator Locator.resolve(java.lang.String reference)
          Resolves the reference against this locator.

Methods in org.tmapi.core that return types with arguments of type Locator
 java.util.Set<Locator> Construct.getItemIdentifiers()
          Returns the item identifiers of this Topic Maps construct.
 java.util.Set<Locator> TopicMapSystem.getLocators()
          Returns all storage addresses of TopicMap instances known by this system.
 java.util.Set<Locator> Topic.getSubjectIdentifiers()
          Returns the subject identifiers assigned to this topic.
 java.util.Set<Locator> Topic.getSubjectLocators()
          Returns the subject locators assigned to this topic.

Methods in org.tmapi.core with parameters of type Locator
 void Topic.addItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Adds an item identifier to this topic.
 void Construct.addItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Adds an item identifier.
 void Topic.addSubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Adds a subject identifier to this topic.
 void Topic.addSubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Adds a subject locator to this topic.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicByItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified item identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicBySubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified subject identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicBySubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified subject locator.
 TopicMap TopicMapSystem.createTopicMap(Locator iri)
          Creates a new TopicMap and stores it within the system under the specified iri.
 Variant Name.createVariant(Locator value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified IRI value and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(Locator value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified IRI value and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified value, datatype, and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified value, datatype, and scope.
 Construct TopicMap.getConstructByItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Returns a Construct by its item identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Returns a topic by its subject identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Returns a topic by its subject locator.
 TopicMap TopicMapSystem.getTopicMap(Locator iri)
          Retrieves a TopicMap managed by this system with the specified storage address iri.
 void Construct.removeItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Removes an item identifier.
 void Topic.removeSubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Removes a subject identifier from this topic.
 void Topic.removeSubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Removes a subject locator from this topic.
 void DatatypeAware.setValue(Locator value)
          Sets the IRI value.
 void DatatypeAware.setValue(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype)
          Sets the string value and the datatype.

Constructors in org.tmapi.core with parameters of type Locator
IdentityConstraintException(Construct reporter, Construct existing, Locator locator, java.lang.String msg)
          Creates a new IdentityConstraintException with the specified message.

Uses of Locator in org.tmapi.index

Methods in org.tmapi.index with parameters of type Locator
 java.util.Collection<Occurrence> LiteralIndex.getOccurrences(Locator value)
          Returns the Occurrences in the topic map whose value property matches the IRI represented by value.
 java.util.Collection<Occurrence> LiteralIndex.getOccurrences(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype)
          Returns the Occurrences in the topic map whose value property matches value and whose datatye is datatype.
 java.util.Collection<Variant> LiteralIndex.getVariants(Locator value)
          Returns the Variants in the topic map whose value property matches the IRI represented by value.
 java.util.Collection<Variant> LiteralIndex.getVariants(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype)
          Returns the Variants in the topic map whose value property matches value and whose datatye is datatype.