Uses of Interface

Packages that use Topic
org.tmapi.core Core interfaces which provide the functionality of the Topic Maps - Data Model
org.tmapi.index Index interfaces which provide lookup of Topic Maps Constructs. 

Uses of Topic in org.tmapi.core

Methods in org.tmapi.core that return Topic
 Topic TopicMap.createTopic()
          Returns a Topic instance with an automatically generated item identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicByItemIdentifier(Locator itemIdentifier)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified item identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicBySubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified subject identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.createTopicBySubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Returns a Topic instance with the specified subject locator.
 Topic Occurrence.getParent()
          Returns the Topic to which this occurrence belongs.
 Topic Name.getParent()
          Returns the Topic to which this name belongs.
 Topic Role.getPlayer()
          Returns the topic playing this role.
 Topic Reifiable.getReifier()
          Returns the reifier of this construct.
 Topic TopicInUseException.getReporter()
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(Locator subjectIdentifier)
          Returns a topic by its subject identifier.
 Topic TopicMap.getTopicBySubjectLocator(Locator subjectLocator)
          Returns a topic by its subject locator.
 Topic Typed.getType()
          Returns the type of this construct.

Methods in org.tmapi.core that return types with arguments of type Topic
 java.util.Set<Topic> Association.getRoleTypes()
          Returns the role types participating in this association.
 java.util.Set<Topic> Variant.getScope()
          Returns the scope of this variant.
 java.util.Set<Topic> Scoped.getScope()
          Returns the topics which define the scope.
 java.util.Set<Topic> TopicMap.getTopics()
          Returns all Topics contained in this topic map.
 java.util.Set<Topic> Topic.getTypes()
          Returns the types of which this topic is an instance of.

Methods in org.tmapi.core with parameters of type Topic
 void Scoped.addTheme(Topic theme)
          Adds a topic to the scope.
 void Topic.addType(Topic type)
          Adds a type to this topic.
 Association TopicMap.createAssociation(Topic type, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Association in this topic map with the specified type and scope.
 Association TopicMap.createAssociation(Topic type, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Association in this topic map with the specified type and scope.
 Association TopicMap.createAssociation(Topic type, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Association in this topic map with the specified type and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified value, and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(Topic type, java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified type, value, and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified type, value, and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified type, value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, string value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, string value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, string value, and scope.
 Role Association.createRole(Topic type, Topic player)
          Creates a new Role representing a role in this association.
 Variant Name.createVariant(Locator value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified IRI value and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified value, datatype, and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, Topic... scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified string value and scope.
 java.util.Set<Name> Topic.getNames(Topic type)
          Returns the Names of this topic where the name type is type.
 java.util.Set<Occurrence> Topic.getOccurrences(Topic type)
          Returns the Occurrences of this topic where the occurrence type is type.
 java.util.Set<Role> Association.getRoles(Topic type)
          Returns all roles with the specified type.
 java.util.Set<Role> Topic.getRolesPlayed(Topic type)
          Returns the roles played by this topic where the role type is type.
 java.util.Set<Role> Topic.getRolesPlayed(Topic type, Topic assocType)
          Returns the Roles played by this topic where the role type is type and the Association type is assocType.
 void Topic.mergeIn(Topic other)
          Merges another topic into this topic.
 void Scoped.removeTheme(Topic theme)
          Removes a topic from the scope.
 void Topic.removeType(Topic type)
          Removes a type from this topic.
 void Role.setPlayer(Topic player)
          Sets the role player.
 void Reifiable.setReifier(Topic reifier)
          Sets the reifier of this construct.
 void Typed.setType(Topic type)
          Sets the type of this construct.

Method parameters in org.tmapi.core with type arguments of type Topic
 Association TopicMap.createAssociation(Topic type, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Association in this topic map with the specified type and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified value, and scope.
 Name Topic.createName(Topic type, java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Name for this topic with the specified type, value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, Locator value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, IRI value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, string value, and scope.
 Occurrence Topic.createOccurrence(Topic type, java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates an Occurrence for this topic with the specified type, value, datatype, and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(Locator value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified IRI value and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified string value and scope.
 Variant Name.createVariant(java.lang.String value, Locator datatype, java.util.Collection<Topic> scope)
          Creates a Variant of this topic name with the specified value, datatype, and scope.

Constructors in org.tmapi.core with parameters of type Topic
TopicInUseException(Topic topic, java.lang.String msg)
          Creates a new TopicInUseException with the specified message.

Uses of Topic in org.tmapi.index

Methods in org.tmapi.index that return types with arguments of type Topic
 java.util.Collection<Topic> ScopedIndex.getAssociationThemes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the scope property of Associations.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getAssociationTypes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the type property of Associations.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> ScopedIndex.getNameThemes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the scope property of Names.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getNameTypes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the type property of Names.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> ScopedIndex.getOccurrenceThemes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the scope property of Occurrences.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getOccurrenceTypes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the type property of Occurrences.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getRoleTypes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the type property of Roles.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getTopics(Topic type)
          Returns the topics which are an instance of the specified type or all topics which have are not an instance of another topic (iff type is null).
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getTopics(Topic[] types, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the topics in the topic map whose type property equals one of those types at least.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getTopicTypes()
          Returns the topics in topic map which are used as type in an "type-instance"-relationship.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> ScopedIndex.getVariantThemes()
          Returns the topics in the topic map used in the scope property of Variants.

Methods in org.tmapi.index with parameters of type Topic
 java.util.Collection<Association> TypeInstanceIndex.getAssociations(Topic type)
          Returns the associations in the topic map whose type property equals type.
 java.util.Collection<Association> ScopedIndex.getAssociations(Topic theme)
          Returns the Associations in the topic map whose scope property contains the specified theme.
 java.util.Collection<Association> ScopedIndex.getAssociations(Topic[] themes, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the Associations in the topic map whose scope property equals one of those themes at least.
 java.util.Collection<Name> TypeInstanceIndex.getNames(Topic type)
          Returns the topic names in the topic map whose type property equals type.
 java.util.Collection<Name> ScopedIndex.getNames(Topic theme)
          Returns the Names in the topic map whose scope property contains the specified theme.
 java.util.Collection<Name> ScopedIndex.getNames(Topic[] themes, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the Names in the topic map whose scope property equals one of those themes at least.
 java.util.Collection<Occurrence> TypeInstanceIndex.getOccurrences(Topic type)
          Returns the occurrences in the topic map whose type property equals type.
 java.util.Collection<Occurrence> ScopedIndex.getOccurrences(Topic theme)
          Returns the Occurrences in the topic map whose scope property contains the specified theme.
 java.util.Collection<Occurrence> ScopedIndex.getOccurrences(Topic[] themes, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the Occurrences in the topic map whose scope property equals one of those themes at least.
 java.util.Collection<Role> TypeInstanceIndex.getRoles(Topic type)
          Returns the roles in the topic map whose type property equals type.
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getTopics(Topic type)
          Returns the topics which are an instance of the specified type or all topics which have are not an instance of another topic (iff type is null).
 java.util.Collection<Topic> TypeInstanceIndex.getTopics(Topic[] types, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the topics in the topic map whose type property equals one of those types at least.
 java.util.Collection<Variant> ScopedIndex.getVariants(Topic theme)
          Returns the Variants in the topic map whose scope property contains the specified theme.
 java.util.Collection<Variant> ScopedIndex.getVariants(Topic[] themes, boolean matchAll)
          Returns the Variants in the topic map whose scope property equals one of those themes at least.