Package org.tmapi.index.core

This package defines the basic indexes to be supported by a TMAPI application.


Interface Summary
AssociationRolesIndex An index of the AssociationRole in the indexed TopicMap.
AssociationsIndex An index of Association instances in a TopicMap.
OccurrencesIndex An index of all Occurrence instances in the TopicMap by their type and resource reference or resource data.
ScopedObjectsIndex An index of all ScopedObject (Association, TopicName, Occurrence and Variant) instances in the indexed TopicMap.
TopicMapObjectsIndex An index of all TopicMapObject instances in the TopicMap by the value(s) of their sourceLocator property.
TopicNamesIndex This Index gives direct access to all TopicNames.
TopicsIndex An index of the Topics in the TopicMap.
VariantsIndex An index of all Variant instances in the TopicMap by their resource reference or resource data.

Package org.tmapi.index.core Description

This package defines the basic indexes to be supported by a TMAPI application. These indexes provide all of the lookup functionality needed to access data from a topic map. Instances of the indexes defined here are created using the mechanism defined by the org.tmapi.index package.